A large number of motorcyclists from all across the country assembled at the wharf on Sunday 24th March between 11 am and 2 pm for the start of their 2024 season.

The R.B.R. is a a touring and photographic event for motorcyclists and drivers of sidecar outfits and three wheeled vehicles of any age. Snarestone Wharf was the first landmark the entrants had to visit on their annual rally, taking a photograph of themselves in front of the pump engine beams in order to gain points towards an award.

The sun shone, and many of the motorcyclists bought hot drinks from the shop or purchased burgers and fresh hot food from an open BBQ supplied by ACA supporters, Shires Event Hire Limited.

At midday the organiser arranged for an informal group photo, before the participants gradually dispersed.

It was good to see so many visitors to the wharf for a non-canal related event, and hopefully the Rally will return to the wharf on a later occasion.