Report on the Social Evening in Measham on 11th March 2025

Stuart Warburton, in his capacity as both the Secretary of the Snibston Heritage Trust and a mining historian and industrial archaeologist, gave an illustrated talk on the history of Snibston Colliery.

His talk was subtitled “A Most Profitable Enterprise” which was a reference to a quotation by George Stephenson, one of the founding fathers of the East Midland Collieries, who is reputed to have stated: “The [Snibston] Collieries are the most profitable enterprise I ever undertook”.

There were many local references to entertain the twenty five listeners. His witty and informative talk prompted several questions from the audience, some of whom recalled working in the very mines he mentioned.

Report on the Social Evening in Measham on Thursday 13th February 2025

Burtonian John Parry gave an illustrated talk to 28 attendees on The Suez Canal. The first half of his talk explained the history of the canal, part of which goes back to the time of the Pharaohs, with the current canal begun in the 1860s under the auspices of the French. British involvement in the canal came quite late, when they acquired a major shareholding from the Egyptians. In the first half of his talk John explained much of the construction of the waterway through the desert landscape, and how it has been expanded over the decades to meet the needs of modern shipping.

The second half was given over to a visual tour along the canal, which John Parry passed through on a cruise ship in November 2023. By pure chance, two members of the audience had been cruising down the Suez Canal at that same time. Not only that, but they were even on board the very same ship as the speaker!

Report on the Social Evening in Measham on Tuesday 10th December 2024

The original speaker had to withdraw for health reasons and the ACA is grateful to Shirley Eaton from The Magic Attic in Swadlincote for stepping in at short notice. She gave an informative and witty presentation entitled “Crossing Places 2”. Thirty attendees learnt about the history of public travel from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the coming of the Canal Age.

Before the Industrial Revolution there were few options for public travel. Most people simply walked to their destinations, or went on horseback. The advent of public travel came with the stagecoach, a dangerous and uncomfortable form of travel in the early days. We then heard about the toll houses and the advent of road building. Pot holes, which we think of as a modern phenomenon, have in fact been a problem since before the Industrial Revolution. According to Shirley, the term ‘pot holes’ may have originated from the early practice of filling holes in the road with shards of pottery from Stoke on Trent!

We hope that Shirley may return at a later date to give us another presentation.

Report on the Quiz Night on Saturday 16th November 2024

The ACA held their 8th annual quiz night at Stoke Golding Club on 16th November 2024. 69 participants formed 15 teams. Quizmaster Peter Oakden was this time assisted by Bob Taylor who kept the scores.

There were 8 rounds of questions and a picture round, which was handed out shortly before the arrival of the fish and chips suppers.

As usual, proceedings started off with a round of Stand Up bingo….

Each team of between 4 and 5 quizzers was allowed to play their joker in order to double their score on one of the eight rounds: Food & Drink, Wildlife, Sport, TV & Film, History, Geography and two rounds of Pot Luck.

The Wooden Spoon was gained by the young team of Callum’s Corner with 41 points….

Overall winners on the night with an impressive 95 points were The Treacle Towners….

Watch out for next details of next year’s Quiz Night!

Towpath re-opens between Snarestone Wharf and Bridge 62

Following due completion of remedial work to the towpath, the public footpath along the towpath is now open to pedestrians (1st November 2024).

Access for boats, however, is likely to remain closed for a further two weeks, that is to say, until the thick weed has been cleared from this section of the canal.

A further announcement will follow once navigation is again permitted.

Report on the Social Evening in Measham on Tuesday 22nd October 2024

25 people attended a presentation by David Hancock on the annual Round Britain Rally, which this year started at Snarestone Wharf on 24th March 2024.

The rally dates back to 1973, and David Hancock (who is also a member of Lichfield Cruising Club) is the current organiser. It is a a non-competitive, navigational and photographic event. Entrants are given a list of 83 landmarks and their rough locations in England, Scotland and Wales. Most of the entrants are motorcyclists, and the entrants have to find and visit these landmarks between April and September in that year. To prove they have found the location, entrants have to photograph their bike or themselves in front of the landmark.

The 2025 Round Britain Rally has already been arranged and David is busy sorting through the submissions. Having appeared in last year’s rally, the beams at Snarestone Wharf will of course not feature again this time round, but hopefully the RBR will visit Snarestone (or The Ashby Canal) some time in the future.

The shop at Snarestone Wharf will be operating on reduced Winter opening hours from 1st October 2024

The site itself will still be open daily, as usual between 9am and 4pm, however the shop may not be. If the shop is closed please note the following:

If you need solid fuel, kindling, fire lighters or toilet fluids ONLY, and nobody is around please knock on either narrowboat ‘Rallentando’ or narrowboat ‘Draco’ ONLY between 9am and 5pm.

Report on the Social Evening in Measham on Thursday 26th September 2024

The ACA began their new season of social events with a talk by David Potter, the Advertising Director of Taylor’s Bell Foundry in Loughborough. Twenty five people braved the inclement weather to attend his talk at Measham Leisure Centre.

During the first half of the talk David related the history of the company, how it came to be located in Loughborough in 1839 – the proximity of the Grand Union Canal was an important factor – and how a bell is cast.

After the interval there was an impromptu talk on change-ringing, a past-time peculiar to England and which evolved towards the end of the reign of Elizabeth the First. Many of the carillons used in this hobby are manufactured by Taylor’s.

There is a museum on the site of the bell foundry which is open to the public.

21st Moira Canal Festival and IWA Trailboat Festival on 18th and 19th May 2024

After an absence of one year due to a waterlogged site the ever popular Moira Canal Festival returned in mid May. The sun came out and the crowds flocked in to sample the stalls, listen to the entertainment, see the flypast by a Battle of Britain Spitfire, and of course watch the perennial duck race. This year the Festival was run in conjunction with the IWA Trailboat Festival. The ACA was also present with a gazebo and an assortment of wares.

Snarestone Wharf hosts the start of The Round Britain Rally on Sunday 24th March 2024

A large number of motorcyclists from all across the country assembled at the wharf on Sunday 24th March between 11 am and 2 pm for the start of their 2024 season.

The R.B.R. is a a touring and photographic event for motorcyclists and drivers of sidecar outfits and three wheeled vehicles of any age. Snarestone Wharf was the first landmark the entrants had to visit on their annual rally, taking a photograph of themselves in front of the pump engine beams in order to gain points towards an award.

The sun shone, and many of the motorcyclists bought hot drinks from the shop or purchased burgers and fresh hot food from an open BBQ supplied by ACA supporters, Shires Event Hire Limited.

At midday the organiser arranged for an informal group photo, before the participants gradually dispersed.

It was good to see so many visitors to the wharf for a non-canal related event, and hopefully the Rally will return to the wharf on a later occasion.